How to Import an Existing Account
In this tutorial, we will show you how to import an existing account.
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In this tutorial, we will show you how to import an existing account.
Last updated
1. Click on the Keplr icon in the upper-right corner of your browser.
2. Click on [Import existing account]
Make sure you have imported the account with the correct derivation path, viewable by clicking on [Advanced]. Normally, the derivation path should be m/44'/…’/0/0/0, but if you see that when importing the account via mnemonic on Keplr the cosmos mainnet address displayed is different from yours, it is possible that the derivation path ends with 1 (or another number) instead of 0. If this is the case, all you have to do is replace the last 0 with 1. If you are interested in knowing more about the HD wallet derivation path, search "HD derivation path" in our Help Desk.
4. Select [Next] and the reinstallation is complete!
1. To begin importing your Ledger account, choose [Import Ledger]
2. Set the account name for the Ledger account, then press next.
3. Connect and unlock your Ledger hardware wallet, then open the Cosmos app. When you see ‘Cosmos ready’ on the screen, press ‘Next’ on the popup. Your browser may ask you to grant permission to access the hardware, so please make sure you approve.
4. And that’s it! You can now start using your Ledger hardware wallet with any of the blockchains that Keplr supports.
3. Enter your mnemonic/seed phrase in the appropriate slot, separating the words by space & taking care to check that they are spelled correctly. Account name and password also need to be entered.